quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013

This is where I am now.

This is where I am now. by Themer Bastos
This is where I am now., a photo by Themer Bastos on Flickr.

Carla was at the beach... Mine is not such a sunlit place, but it's where I chose to work and it's where I feel I can contribute to a better tomorrow. Both for me and for my students.

terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

When I heard about John Lennon's assassination in December 1980, I was taking the first steps onto a path I have walked for over 30 years. His music was the starting point for my wanting to understand his ideas firsthand. This is in the heart of this idea: using music as a window to language and culture. Hopefully, we'll beable to feed this blog with lots of cultural and musical notes. 

Thanks for joining us on this journey.